Parliament Hill gathering to support Canadian independence
“Elbows up”
Lily Ryan
Some thousand Canadians from a variety of walks of life gathered on Parliament Hill to support negotiators on behalf of Canadian independence in response to the new American government economic and philosophical assault on Canada, March 9. A similar gathering in front of the American embassy days earlier included a protest march by Canadians who had come from a variety of ideological backgrounds, as well as from across the country. “This reminds me of the beginning days of the trucker convoy protests: there were all kinds of people gathered to express a clear message,” said one protester March 9. “Of course, unlike the convoy occupation, today we will go home and continue our efforts to support Canadian authorities in the face of ridiculous American threats.”
Among the protesters who came from afar, a strong West Quebec contingency was at both events. Local Shout Sister Choir Director, Elyse McCann led a group singing of a Tragically Hip song at the Elbows Up, Canada Rally on Parliament Hill (pictured).